The Bubbly Bridal Expo Vendor Contract
Event Date: March 21, 2025
Cancellation Deadline: March 1, 2025
Setup Time: 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM on March 21, 2025
Event Duration: 6:30 PM - 9:00PM
Tear Down Deadline: 9:45 PM on March 21, 2025


In consideration of the foregoing, and to the mutual covenant and agreements herein after contained, the parties do hereby agree as follows:

  1. CONTRACT FOR EXHIBIT SPACE: The undersigned Exhibitor hereby makes application for the Exhibit Space which, when accepted by the Bubbly Bridal Expo Manager, as evident by the signature of its duly authorized representative, the contract (the “Contract”) will be subject to the terms and conditions contained herein. The Exhibitor agrees to abide by all rules, requirements, restrictions, and regulations as set forth in the Contract or as may be designed by the Manager or the city of Annapolis, Maryland. Failure to abide by such rules and regulations shall result in forfeiture of all monies paid to the Manager under the terms of this Contract.
  2. PAYMENT TERMS: Full non-refundable payment of $395.00 (The “Rental Fee”) must be submitted to the Manager along with this Contract. Exhibitor’s executed Contract and FULL payment of the Rental Fee are due to the Manager no later than January 10, 2025 (the “Due Date”). The Manager may, at its own discretion, refuse to accept the Contract for any reason, including, but not limited to, receiving the Contract after the Due Date or without full payment of the Rental Fee.
  3. ASSIGNMENT: No Exhibitor shall share, assign, or apportion the whole or any part of the Exhibitor’s Space without the prior written authorization of the Manager. Exhibitors failing to occupy space are not relieved of any of their obligations herein and WILL NOT receive the lead list post expo.
  4. OCCUPANCY AND SPACE: Set up may take place from 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM on March 21, 2025. The Expo will officially open at 6:30 PM SHARP and close by 9:00 PM (the “Closing Time”). Exhibitor MUST maintain exhibit space until the Closing Time. All materials and displays must be removed by 10:00 PM on the day of the Bridal Expo. Any Exhibitor vacating their space prior to the Closing Time shall forfeit all monies, goods, and/or services paid or donated to the Manager under the terms of this Contract and may forfeit their eligibility to participate in future events hosted by the Manager.
  5. PHOTOGRAPHY: Photographs of you and your exhibitor space may be taken. By signature herein, you authorize the Champagne Taste Bridal, LLC team and affiliates to use said photographs of booth space or exhibitors representing the company for marketing through digital or print avenues WITHOUT additional authorization or image approval.
    a. Exhibitor may cancel by notifying the Manager in writing on or before MArch 1, 2025 (the “Cancellation Deadline”). The exhibitor will be refunded 50% of the Rental Fee if the request to cancel is received by the Cancellation Deadline. If the request to cancel is received after the Cancellation Deadline, no refund will be issued, and the Exhibitor will be liable for any unpaid portion of the Rental Fee.
    b. If any of the following events shall occur, the Manager may unilaterally cancel this contract, and Exhibitor shall forfeit all payments made to the Manager for the Exhibit Space:
    i. The Exhibitor fails to deliver goods and/or services identified in Section 2 of the Agreement contained in this Contract, or
    ii. The Exhibitor fails to comply with any of its obligations set forth herein.
    c. In the event that the Bridal Expo is canceled, delayed, or relocated, in whole or in part, as a result of civil disorder, acts of God, terrorist acts, or any other reason beyond the control of the Manager, the event will be rescheduled, and the Exhibitor will still be responsible for the full payment of the Rental Fee.
  7. EXHIBITOR’S REPRESENTATIVES: Each Exhibitor shall name one person to be their official representative, with authorization to enter into such service contracts necessary for the installation and removal of exhibits and provision of services for which the Exhibitor will be responsible. All personnel working the Exhibit Space are required to be registered with the Manager and wear an identification badge.
  8. PERSONAL WAIVER: I hereby hold Champagne Taste Bridal, LLC staff & affiliates harmless while loading, unloading, setting up, or during the duration of the event for acts such as personal bodily injury, equipment loss or damage, or any left-behind merchandise.
  9. SPACE AND POSTING RESTRICTIONS: Exhibits must be confined to the exact space allocated. Circulars, publications, advertising matter, and all kinds of promotional giveaways may be distributed only within the booth space. Nothing shall be posted, nailed, tacked, screwed, or otherwise attached to the walls, floors, or other parts of the building or furniture, signs, etc. Nothing will be allowed to intrude into or over aisles. All electrical equipment must be approved by the Manager in advance. No microphones or loudspeakers are permitted in the Exhibit Space without prior permission from the Manager. Low music that will not disturb any other Exhibitors is permitted. Exhibitor must supply any adaptations or extension cords necessary to plug into a standard outlet.
  10. LEAD LIST AND BRIDAL INFORMATION: Exhibitor understands the confidentiality of a client’s personal information when inquiring with an exhibitor or registering for a bridal expo. The Exhibitor agrees to not sell, share, or otherwise risk personal information of an attendee by sharing the information outside of contracted exhibitors; otherwise, legal action, as deemed by the State of Maryland, may be placed upon the contracted Exhibitor. The lead lists are to be used solely by the Exhibitor contracted herein and only for personal business marketing. You must be present to receive the lead list.
  11. INDEMNIFICATION AND RELEASE: Exhibitor shall pay for all costs and expenses arising from, and hereby expressly releases the Manager from any liability from injury, or loss to any person or property, which may arise from Exhibitor’s rental and occupancy of Exhibit Space at the Bridal Expo. Exhibitor further agrees to indemnify and hold and save the Manager, its respective employees, officers, agents, the Champagne Taste Bridal, LLC company, and all affiliates harmless from any loss or damage arising out of a connection from the Exhibitor’s use of Exhibit Space, including, without limitations, any damage or defacement of items or theft at the Exhibit Space. Exhibitor shall pay to the Manager any amount necessary to replace or repair any damage to the Exhibit Space and its amenities (table, linens, skirts, etc). Exhibitor shall, at its own cost and expense, obtain all necessary insurance coverage and licensing to enable it to meet its foregoing obligations.
  12. NON-WAIVER: The failure of the Manager to enforce at any time any of the provisions of this Contract or to pursue any of its rights hereunder shall not be construed as a waiver of any such provisions or relinquishment of such right.
  13. AMENDMENTS: The Manager reserves the right to make changes, amendments, and/or additions to the rules and regulations of the Bridal Expo as it deems necessary. The Manager shall inform the Exhibitor in writing of any such changes, amendments, and/or additions.
  14. PARTIAL INVALIDITY: In the event any provision of this Contract, or any part of any provision, is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respect, such illegality, invalidity, or unenforceability shall not affect any other provisions of this Contract.

The event will be held at Champagne Taste Bridal in Owings, MD. Parking is free for all. There is limited parking so please arrive timely, but please be aware doors WILL NOT open early. We will be allowing you to shop during your designated shopping timeframe only. 

Your registration will guarantee ATTENDANCE to the sample sale and is NOT a one-on-one appointment. Consultants will be available, but not necessarily assigned to you. We DO NOT allow gowns to be tried on when it comes to improper sizing as this can cause damage to the gowns and warrant you to pay for a gown you don't love or cannot find, but have fallen in love with. The gown must be within an appropriate alteration range in order to achieve the best fit as these gowns are exclusively sold off-the-rack. Consultants will direct you to the proper sizing racks upon arrival and it is best to try on a couple in that size range before making modifications to a different size, as each designer's size chart can run differently.

Please remember bridal sizing can run 1 - 2 sizes up generally, but in some cases 3-4 sizes up, so DO NOT look at gowns that are your current jean size. A Bridal Profile is filled out when registering for your shopping timeframe. Please fill this out as accurately as possible so our consultants can best assist you. This helps us stay on time, as we must be mindful of the all brides for the day. 

Gowns will have tags on them and if there are any questions, please ask a consultant. Gowns will be verified at check out so switching tags will not be permitted. ALL gowns will be $499 and UNDER during the sale! All gowns will be well under their retail value, so regardless of price point they are all a great deal. If you have the budget / timeline we will have other off-the-rack and made-to-order dresses available an will offer 10% off on them during this event. However, they will not be the focus for this event -- as there will be 300+ gowns from $299 - $499 + Tax!

Please arrive on time to ensure you have the availability to look at the gowns. If you do not find a gown, you are more than welcome to make an appointment at Champagne Taste Bridal to choose from gowns in our boutique at NON-SAMPLE SALE pricing (still a good deal) and new arrivals or made-to-order gowns. Admission fees are for the attendance to the sale and are NON-REFUNDABLE, even if you do not show up for your registration the fee will be retained. Tickets / Appointments can be transferred by email [email protected].

Once you have booked your appointment, there is NO REFUND for non-attendance cancellations, only transfers approved by emailing [email protected]. If you are unable to transfer your tickets, we can offer you credit to our sister boutique, Jack & Juni, to be used by the end of the year, as long as you have cancelled your event registration via email within 7 days of the event. If you cancel inside of the 7 days prior to the event or just don’t show up, your registration fee will be forfeited.  

  • PLEASE BE MINDFUL OF GUEST COUNT -- We encourage there there be no more than 4 guests + the bride and refrain from children IF POSSIBLE as the aisles can be tight -- this is a sample sale, so it can be chaotic and too many opinions can also be EXTREMELY overwhelming for our brides in this type of sale environment. We do suggest to refrain from bringing children to this event specifically because the the gown aisles can get tight and main doors of the shop will be open and we are located on a MAIN HIGHWAY!
  • If you plan to try on gowns, please refrain from recently being spray-tanned, wearing makeup that easily rubs off or any lipstick colors. These can damage gowns and cause you to have a purchase a gown you don't absolutely love!
  • All vendors participating and any that provide gift bag inclusions will receive a list of the attendees and may use these for marketing purposes.
  • Photographs may be taken at the event and by registering yourself and your guests, you permit Champagne Taste Bridal, LLC & Affiliates to use any photographs, without further approval, for marketing purposes through social media and print advertising.
  • All gown sales are FINAL, non-refundable, not exchangeable, and not returnable. Gowns are all sold 'AS IS'. Alteration questions should be asked at the time of the show and will be priced independently by an independent seamstress. Champagne Taste Bridal can offer seamstress suggestions but holds no liability to their work.
  • Attendance at this event is done at the attendee's own risk. It is the responsibility of the attendee to practice safe distancing, proper mask procedures, and hand hygiene. Champagne Taste Bridal, LLC Owner, Staff & Affiliates will be doing their best to ensure a sanitized and safe experience. 

Champagne Taste Bridal, LLC reserves the right to ask any attendee to leave the premises if they are not following proper COVID procedures, being unkind to the sales staff, vendors, other bridal expo participates or participating in any form of horseplay (pushing, shoving, foul language and other activities that may be deemed harmful or unnecessary).

Vendor Registration

We’re excited to invite you to participate in a brand-new event happening on March 21st from 7pm – 9pm! This Vendor Cocktail Hour/Mixer & Upbeat Fashion Show will be a fun and vibrant evening where vendors like you can connect with brides and couples in a relaxed atmosphere and fellow vendors for potential collaboration.

Vendor Options:

  • $75 – Cocktail Style (No Table):
    A special vendor badge with your business name, contact info, and category for easy identification. You’ll also be able to leave your business materials on a community info table for brides to grab on their way out.
  • $150 – Cocktail/Small Table Set-Up:
    Have a dedicated area to chat with brides and couples, with space to display a limited amount of merchandise or information.
  • $250 – Full Set-Up:
    A full 8-10 foot space for a traditional bridal show setup with plenty of room to display your products and connect with guests.

What’s included for all vendors:

  • Lead list supplied to all participants.
  • Opportunities for great exposure to well-qualified brides and couples.
  • Brand Visibility and Awareness through Social Media
  • Lead Generation & Attendance list post Expo
  • Equal Opportunity for Interactions with Brides
  • Limited Vendor Category Representation
  • Targeted Audience Exposure
  • Networking Opportunities
  • Inclusion in Promotional Materials such as ads, posts, marketing materials, etc.

The event will be held at either the Crowne Plaza in Annapolis (large ballroom) or a location in Calvert County, with a strong preference for Annapolis for the best vendor turnout and crowd mix.

We are aiming to launch on March 1st and would love to gauge interest before then! This is a first-of-its-kind event, and we’re looking forward to working with dynamic vendors like you.t

We also just hosted our SPRING version of our 7th Annual Bubbly Bridal Expo & Gown Sale and already launched our traditional Fall Date of November 23rd, 2025 back at the Graduate Hilton of Annapolis! It was a limited timeline, but a great event!

So we are excited to host this March mini show and can’t wait to see who onboards! Please let us know if you may be interested in being part of this event!

Vendor Registration

Pricing Details

$75 – Cocktail Style (No Table):
A special vendor badge with your business name, contact info, and category for easy identification. You’ll also be able to leave your business materials on a community info table for brides to grab on their way out.

$150 – Cocktail/Small Table Set-Up:
Have a dedicated area to chat with brides and couples, with space to display a limited amount of merchandise or information.

$250 – Full Set-Up:
A full 8-10 foot space for a traditional bridal show setup with plenty of room to display your products and connect with guests.

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